I Dig Culture, where people gather to learn about each other's cultures.

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Archive for: 2014


6 Things to do in Macau

My friend and I went abroad to finally see what the Macau hype was all about. It’s actually more fun than I had imagined. However, our low budge...

Advertising Around the World

You may have seen the IDC Video Team’s take on advertising trends in America and Korea. As their… disturbing conclusion showed, American a...

What I Learned from the Amish

Whilst waiting in a long line to board onto the Chicago AmTrak train one afternoon, I couldn’t help but to study and enjoy the presence of a large ...

6 Smoking etiquette to keep in Asia

Surgeon General’s Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy. There are safer alternatives like...

Pursuing Happy Episode 1

Intro episode for a show about happiness, what it is to different people from different walks of life.

Pursuing Happy Episode 2


8 Things I Learned as an extra in a Korean Action Film

As you can see by the content on this site, there are many, many fun things to do in Korea. One activity that might not occur to most, however, is pla...

Beauty Rituals: Teeth Chiseling

You’ve probably got your beauty regime down to a tee now; you know your favorite keratin extensions, your favorite mascara and your favorite pla...

Drink up! (The drinking culture in Asia)

Beer, vodka, soju, sake, whiskey. Whichever your preference, alcohol is a great way to unite people. Drinking has become so widespread that there are ...

Christmas… in Korea?

Ho ho ho! Santa and his trusty reindeer land on rooftops, and he shimmies down the chimney to deliver Christmas presents for those on his ‘Nice List...